Mar 11, 2012

"Hope & Change" Is Now "Politics & Debt"

Common Sense Commentary: In Politics the voters seldom ever get what Political candidates promised to do, but most often get what they promised not to do.  It happens so often and consistently, that it cannot be just a change of conditions or a change of mind or heart. It has to be some unseen, unheard power which possesses seemingly sincere, "promising" candidates, when they take positions of political power. They
just  seem to morph into "money hungry, power addicted, fame seeking, well dressed, ruling superiors at the pinnacle of elite status. Was their candidacy all pretense? Were they always rotten at the core? Were they suddenly possessed of demons? Were they lying all the time?  Could so many voters be so deluded or hypnotized. Mysterious!

"Hope and Change" is now "Politics and Debt"
                           Rayburn Blair

Here in "Politics Ruined USA" we "hopefully" abide,

On a political fault-line we stand fearfully astride,

Upon QE Infinity... a volcanic, high mountainside.

Here where political hurricanes blow hard ashore,

Now, all year long, they are at Freedom's Door,

With economic hailstorms and tornadoes galore.

Political mudslides and wildfires attack, it seems,

With Inflation, Deflation and Funeral Requiems,

They say, "to save us"... from American Dreams?

I was milking my "stock" cow that political night,

Lightning struck my barn and put out the light,

And old, political Hussie jumped atop me in fright.

She kicked that "debt" bucket right over my head,

And there I sat, not knowing which to dread,

Death by God's lightening or politicians instead.

My domesticated wife had soup on the range,

As she juggled our books of "Hope and Change",

She could not balance those books or rearrange

That stack of "Past Dues" way out on a limb,

 Those subtractions and divisions from us to them,

Appended with notices "You gotta sink or swim".

But the thunder grew louder...everything shook,

As a stampede of Americans spit out BO's hook,

And flooded the polls with ballots and The Book.

So finally "change" came: We ousted the crook.
     HOPE and!

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