Mar 2, 2012

"Occupy Till I Come" Part #2: Do Business

Common Sense Commentary: Jesus said, "Occupy till I come" (Lk.19:13)  but later He said, "It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in His own power." (Acts 1:7).

Why would Jesus tell us, "When you see these things begin to come to pass, then look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption draweth nigh".... and then say, "no man knoweth the day nor the hour".... and, "Occupy till I come"?  The first sentence is a warning, the second is a caution to those who would set dates, and the third is a command not to be distracted from continuing to do His work till the trumpet sounds and we are caught up.  I think He said those things because He knows our human tendency to doubt ourselves, be distracted by date setters and false teachers, and to cease doing our major calling, witnessing to the lost. We tend to get side-tracked on the minors and neglect the majors. "Till I come" could possibly be a lifetime away.  I don't think so, but I do not know and neither does anyone else. Jesus said, "... at an hour you think not". Lk.12:40.  In the mean time, we must continue, aggressively reaching out for lost souls and teaching our children God's Word and how to live, serve Him, get an education, choose a mate and be good stewards and save for their retirement  .... LIVE! Otherwise, they will be at a huge disadvantage if, in fact, Jesus tarries His Coming.  The word "Occupy", there in Lk.19:13, is the Greek word "pragmateuomai" and means, "do business" till I come".  In other words, be pragmaticbe practical, don't just stand gazing into heaven or quiting your job, selling the house and moving into a tent on a mountain like some crazies have done, but concentrate on giving out God's Word and doing His work. What advantage is there in quiting, selling and moving  anyway? He knows where to find us and you won't need your home equity money in heaven either.

So, let us be fruitful not foolish ... let us "do business" for Jesus and occupy our calling, fill our place of service and exercise our spiritual gifts.  As bad as things look in America and the world, we should be ready for the Rapture or Revival or Revolution or Retirement if we live that long. 

There are some very positive signs, just ahead in America, in spite of the forces of evil in our government, wall Street and greedy CEO "Bonus Addicts" and 10,000 other negatives undermining our country and our freedoms.

WHAT ARE THE POSITIVES besides the Coming of Christ?

1. Technology is developing so rapidly, especially in the U.S., that if we don't surpass all other nations, in any other field, we can and are, in Hi-Tech.  God has given us this huge opportunity to restore our country to its former leadership role and dig our way out of this awful pit dug for us by idiots in government . But, it will not happen without a spiritual awakening and voting out those big spenders and big government Socialists. God will help us, only if we turn to Him.

2. Because of new technology  with horizontal drilling and in fracturing rock and shale, holding billions of barrels of oil and trillions of cubic feet of natural gas, right here in the USA, it is now possible, and increasingly economic, to supply all of our energy needs and soon export it around the world.  That doesn't include new tech which can retrieve the 40% to 50% of oil in all old, shut down, oil fields, or solar and wind and algae oil production and a thousand other hi-tech discoveries.

3. While nearly the whole world is becoming desperately short of water resources, not just for home use but for a larger use of water... manufacturing, the U.S. has potential water supplies which will last indefinitely.  Water is becoming the biggest problem for most other nations, including China and India.

4. Because of rising wages in China, India, and the Pacific rim, and the diminishing power of unions and need for jobs in the U.S., as well as anticipating reduced taxes if Liberal Socialists are voted out of office here ... Manufacturers are reconsidering the possible advantages of returning to our, and their country, and some already have.  If we can restore common sense, unbind our producers and cease to bleed them to death with 10,000 rules and requirements .... they will return.  As our country is today, with big government socialism, if I were a young, ambitious, talented, entrepreneur, I would already have relocated to Central or South America. Tens of thousands of our brightest and most talented are already doing just that. "For a dream cometh (true) through the multitude of business..." Ecc.5:3.

But, while we are "occupying" and "doing business" let us remember our primary purpose in this world is to win souls and do God's work ... faithfully.
So ready for the Rapture, but be busy ... here and now for the Lord. Our opportunity to win souls will cease with the Rapture.

Pass it on. RB

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