Sep 10, 2014

Obama Team Is Master Of The Double Standard

Common Sense Commentary:  For years I have observed Liberal Socialist Churches, especially black churches, having Liberal Socialist Political Candidates speak in their pulpits, their congregations campaigning for political candidates, including church mail-outs, political contributions and political signs on church property with no action by the IRS and no loss of tax exempt status.  Yet, conservative pastors and churches are threatened regularly that they will lose their tax exemption for even mentioning voting for a Christian Candidate. Every Conservative pastor knows this is true, but few have the courage to point it out lest they be accused of being racist. Anyone who knows me knows I am not. It is a double standard which has been going on for at least 50 years. Even Republican Congressmen are scared to mention it and Democrat Congressmen participate in it with impunity. There are scores of Liberal Socialist Political Organizations, which are tax exempt, but do these same things constantly, with no IRS reaction.  ACORN was one of them. Finally enough heat was put on ACORN's corrupt involvements that they had their exemption temporarily suspended, but that won't last long and they will be reinstated and continue their violations..... possibly under a new name.  If Conservatives don't take a stand, our days are numbered that we will be allowed to even take a stand for Christ or the Bible. Its in the works. RB

The Internal Revenue Service, which has faced intense scrutiny for its illegal harassment of freedom loving Tea Party Organizations, has decided to strike back and silence a conservative critic.
The Internal Revenue Service has revoked the tax-exempt status of a conservative-aligned charity for engaging in political activity as far back as the 2004 presidential election — including statements opposing Hillary Clinton for president.
The Patrick Henry Center for Individual Liberty, based in Manassas, Va., “has shown a pattern of deliberate and consistent intervention in political campaigns” and made “repeated statements supporting or opposing various candidates by expressing its opinion of the respective candidate’s character and qualifications,” according to a written determination released by the IRS Friday.

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