Sep 7, 2014

What Is This ISIS Jihadist Terror Movement Of Islam???

Common Sense Commentary:  "Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers 
of death. Doth not wisdom cry? and understanding put forth her voice?" Prov.7:27 ; 8:1.

The ISIS terrorist organization is trying to take over half of Syria and half of Iraq to establish
a 100% Islamic state under Sharia Law from which their terrorist operatives can be sent out.

It is strangely coincidental that the sudden and rapidly expanding new Muslim Jihadist
movement, ISIS bears the name of the Egyptian goddess ISIS. The warring movement
actually takes its name from the first letters of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, but those
letters also spell out the name of the Egyptian goddess. If you google goddess Isis, you
will find hundreds of depictions of her, mostly naked and very shapely. Her worshipers
say her name means "Wisdom". One description of her "diety" says this:

"Though she is but One, she can do all things,
And while remaining in herself, she renews all things....
She reaches mightily from one end of the earth to the other
And orders all things well..." (BWS 7:27; 8:1)

Notice the highlighted quote highlighted in yellow above is supposedly being drawn from
the Book of Wisdom of Solomon (Proverbs 7:27 & 8:1). the opposit is true. Those two verses,
kept in context, are speaking, not "of" wisdom, but "in conflict with wisdom", by the young
man going into the house of the "harlot woman" in v.7:10. In v.8:1, the Wisdom of God
warns young men to avoid the harlot woman because "...her house is the way to hell" v.7:27.
These people are so blind that they do not see that by assigning those two verses to the
goddess of Isis, they are actually identifying her with the "harlot woman" of v.7:10. How
ironic ... how moronic.

All this reminds me of the debate I had, many years ago, with an FSU professor. We were
debating Capital Punishment, and one of his contentions was that he did not accept God's
provision for Capital Punishment in Exodus 21. He contended that we, as evolved creatues,
could be our own gods ... since there was no other God. Then, to refute and confuse my
argument, he said, "If you will open your eyes and read your own bible, you will see in
Gen.3:5 it says, "Your eyes shall be opened and ye will be as gods." To which I
responded,"Yes, it says that , but you are quoting the Devil, not God."

The Muslim god, Allah and the Egyptian goddess Isis are both false gods. The Muslim "holy
Koran" is almost a mirror image of God's Bible.  I mean by that, it is a total counterfeit version
of the Bible. Every major doctrine in the Bible was perverted, twisted and put in the Koran
just over 600 years after Christ.  Abraham is the ancestoral father of both the Jews and the
Arabs through Isaac and Ishmael, Abraham's two sons. Mohammad, in the Koran, even has
father Abraham sacraficing Ishmael rather than Isaac on the altar of Mount Moriah. RB

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