He Invented It And Controls It
One of the most notable aspects of weather is "change". It changes four major, predictable times a year from spring to summer to autumn to winter, and is constantly changing within each of those four season. That is on the short scale. There are also medium range, long range and extended term cycles of weather change like 100 year floods, and thousand year changes such as the "Ice Age" and "Little Ice Age". All of that is proven beyond any doubt, by scientific evidence. 1 Timothy 6:20.
One of the most notable aspects of weather is "change". It changes four major, predictable times a year from spring to summer to autumn to winter, and is constantly changing within each of those four season. That is on the short scale. There are also medium range, long range and extended term cycles of weather change like 100 year floods, and thousand year changes such as the "Ice Age" and "Little Ice Age". All of that is proven beyond any doubt, by scientific evidence. 1 Timothy 6:20.
There must be several hundred descriptive, weather terms used to define weather changes. Terms such as barometric pressure, cold front, fog, drought, El Nino, La Nina, flood, dry, hot, warm, cool, cold, freezing, frost point, gales, hail, haze, heat index, lightening, high wind, breeze, humidity, hurricane, ice, Indian summer, jet stream, cloudy, sunny, temperature, mild, mist, rain, heavy rain, muggy, tornado, overcast, ozone, permafrost, polar front, norther, precipitation, prevailing westerlies, storm, showers, rainbow, squall, thunder, trade winds, typhoon, blizzard, wind chill factor, and many more. All those terms describe Climate Change. So the Global Warming defrauders can't lay claim to Climate Change. The science of meteorological change of weather belongs to God who invented it. In spite of Al Gore's arrogant appropriation of God's normal weather change, Gore hasn't yet managed to settle on an appropriate name for his theory. He first called it "Global Warming" but then a temporary warming cycle reversed and a temporary cooling cycle began and has continued for several years. So Al, who once said he invented the Internet, adjusted the title of his weather delusion and started calling it "Climate Change" instead of "Global Warming". With this new designation, he can claim to be right no matter what the weather does. The truth about Al's theory is not real trends of weather but a global balancing of the wide differences in the standard of living between productive nations and unproductive nations. That will be done by the issuing, selling and buying of Carbon Credits to all industries. These industries reside primarily in the productive nations. So the $billions or $trillions raised by world trading in Carbon Credits will be paid for by producing nations and the money given to the unproductive nations whose real problem is bad leadership and misdirected motivation. The amounts paid by an industry will be determined by the amount of carbon each, supposedly, is responsible for putting into the atmosphere. Actually, animals create more carbon than industry and vegetation breaths in carbon and exhales oxygen. Without carbon there could be no vegetation. The Socialist dream behind this scam is the ruse of the Communist theory of universal equality of food, water, medical treatment, income and education. Weather is the universal transit being falsely used to deliver the Socialist dream to us all... If enough people can be convinced. RB
Prager University is producing some of the best material on Common Sense, logical observations on today's issues available anywhere. Here is a short video on Climate Change by a true scientist at MIT.
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