Even unbelieving, non-Christians celebrate Xmas, and Santa's real life existence. Nearly everyone loves his sweet little reindeer, Xmas songs, Xmas trees, Xmas alcohol and Xmas gifts to each other. What other words do you know with the main sylable... or any sylable removed and replaced with an X ? The Left-Wing and Muslims, but few Jews, demand no nativity scenes, no Christmas carols or brazen "Merry Christmas" greetings in public or in schools.
One of the great mysteries, unexplainable except for the reality of Satan, is the contrary opposition to the Christmas celebration of the virgin birth of the Son of God who died for sinful souls and the salvation of believers. Everything possible has been done to cover up and distract from that true meaning of Christmas. There is a world of illusions and beguilements drawing the focus away from Jesus Christ, at Xmas time. These illusions are a counterfeit of what Christmas really means. Even as Satan has created counterfeit Bibles, counterfeit Churches, counterfeit Prophets and Preachers, counterfeit Messiahs, counterfeit Healings, counterfeit Doctrine, and counterfeit gods, he has also created a counterfeit Xmas and inspired attacks on any mention of Jesus at Xmas. That "mystery" arises from what God's word identifys as "the mystery of iniquity". "For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth (the Holy Spirit) will let, until he be taken out of the way (to heaven with Raptured Christians)." 2 Thess.2:7.
But Left-Wing Media, Left-Wing politicians and and other Xmas lovers and Christmas haters can't change the fact that at least most Americans still have the comprehension that the birth of Jesus is important and is the reason for the season. Here, below, is the most recent survey of Americans on the subject.... I am a bit surprised that two thirds of Americans are still pro "Christ in Christmas". If you Deduct the poll's strangly "undecided"19%, all that is left is a measly 14% who prefer Santa to Christ in Christmas. That angry 14% are making all the noise of objection and law suits to stop Christmas caroling, nativity scenes, Christ and His Churches in general, for celebrating what Christmas really means.
The New Rasmussen National Survey
The New Rasmussen National Survey
Jesus Vs. Santa, And The Winner Is....
Monday, December 10, 2018
Most Americans still believe Jesus is the reason for the season and prefer commercial Christmas greetings over generic holiday ones.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that two-out-of three American Adults (67%) believe Christmas should be more about Jesus Christ than about Santa Claus. Just 14% think the holiday should be more Santa-focused, while 19% are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
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