Unintended Consequences may be the real story
The Guardian, International, reports an update on scientific research creating a cross between human cells and animals. They are supposedly doing it to produce transplants for humans from monkey-humans, pig-humans or maybe rat-humans. Some people I know would argue this is nothing new since they have been entertained by Hollywood monkey-humans, see rat-humans in the news everyday, and once married a pig-human. Whether one sees these manimal aberrations as subhuman or superhuman, may be determined by their belief in a Creator God... or not. Builders of the Tower of Babel come to mind.
I have to wonder if this research might eventually result in a rat, pig, or monkeyhuman called "The Beast" in the book of The Revelation.
The Guardian article is long so I will reprint a snippet and a link to the article.
First human-monkey chimera raises concern among scientists
Researchers reprogrammed human cells before injecting them in the monkey embryo
Efforts to create human-animal chimeras have rebooted an ethical debate after reports emerged that scientists have produced monkey embryos containing human cells.
A chimera is an organism whose cells come from two or more “individuals”, with recent work looking at combinations from different species. The word comes from a beast from Greek mythology which was said to be part lion, part goat and part snake.
The latest report, published in the Spanish newspaper El PaÃs, claims a team of researchers led by Prof Juan Carlos Izpisúa Belmonte from the Salk Institute in the US have produced monkey-human chimeras. The research was conducted in China “to avoid legal issues”, according to the report.
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