Nov 24, 2019

Slopping Time In The Oinky Democrat Gobble Down Pigsty Is Past

Ole time, deep south hogkilling was Dec. to Feb.

All left-wingers and establishment Republicans would say my blog is too hard on Democrats. The same people think the major news networks, Hollywood and most schools and colleges are politically unbiased. The same kind of hypocrites thought Jesus was too hard on the money changers and Pharisees and that God is too hard on sin. Jesus majored on love and forgiveness but did not hesitate to call the Pharisees serpents, vipers, blasphemous, and whitewashed gravestones full of dead men's bones under the sod. 

Growing up, most of my relatives were farmers. Some also had pigs who played a large roll, in the food chain, turning slop into food and leftover food into slop. Pigs are a noisy, irksome, nasty bunch of smelly, squealing, fighting, self-centered, and greedy creatures. They wade around, knee deep in their own mixture of excrement, urine, and mud rooting up the muck for every morsel of slop. The pigs I have known were constantly rooting up dirt, complaining against fellow pigs and squealing insults at each other when slopping time came around. You would think they all hate each other by the way they bite and shove each other around to get at the rancid, stinking, swill in their trough... which they step in and fight over. A pig pen full of huge, fat hogs is a dangerous place. Over the years I have read of several farmers who passed out, or fell down among these animals and were eaten alive. Pig farmers know that a hog has no moral ethics, no conscience, no hygiene, no sympathy, and no love for fellow farm animals, or those who feed them or anyone or anything else except every little scrap of rancid slop. Reminds me of slopping time in Pelosi's Democrat oinking, swine fest ….  a grunting, squealing, hogicidal pigsty. Don't ever trust a hog to be fair, reasonable or thankful.... They are fast, deceptive, tough, and will hurt you. I know. As a boy, I raised a shoat into a boar in FFA. They will run over you and never look back …. except to run over you again. You cannot ever trust a hog.

In Matt.8:28-34, we are told of two men, possessed of demons, ready to attack anyone passing their way. When Jesus approached them, their demons challenged him to leave them alone and not punish them before Judgment day... but if he did cast them out, to let them enter the herd of swine near by ... which Jesus did. Some renegade Jew must have been bootlegging bacon, sausage and ham. Anyway, the farmer's sounder of Socialist hogs, being demonized, ran blindly away from Jesus, as some men do, into the sea of Galilee and drowned. So did the demons commit hogacide or did the hogs commit sooie-cide? Either way, at least they weren't eaten by some sneeky hamaholic Jews violating the O.T. Laws of Moses.

We may soon see another such stampeed of Dems in what is now playing out in Washington ... either as assassination or suicide. May America now see repentance from law breaking buerocrats, our congressional leadership, the News Media, and all of our nation. 

Oh God deliver our nation, our Constitution and our children. RB

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