Not color, position, possessions or politics
Speak Common Sense to Common Ignorance
Chicago Tribune Reports as of June 22
In Chicago, 254 people have
been murdered Since Jan.1
Common Sense Commentary
The vast majority of the victims of homicide in Chicago are young, black men killed by other young black men, not by police or white men. It is called "Black on black crime". The question is, why does the "Black Lives Matter" organization scream this slogan in mass demonstrations and rioting when a cop kills a black man, with a long criminal record, but not a word of protest when a black man murders another black man or a cop, white or black? And where is the outrage when 254 human beings have been murdered in 6 months in the same city? Yes, of course, black lives matter as much as white lives matter.... but not more. That is so self evident as to be as redundant as to say that "white lives matter", which would be taken to imply that any other lives do not matter as much. And that is exactly the implication of the "Black Lives Matter" mantra. How strange is it that to simply point out the Common Sense fact that "All Lives Matter", is interpreted as meaning that black lives do not matter? There may be legitimate distinctions if the murder is of an innocent child as opposed to a guilty criminal, or as an attacker with a knife as opposed to a store clerk. But there is no distinction between murdering black or white, Asian or Indian. God is no such "respecter of persons" and neither should we be. But it isn't enough, to them, to treat all lives equally. Doing just that is being interpreted as racism by the Left-wing. No, get their approval, we must exalt their banner with them, and march with it to their drum beat or be accused of "Racism". This kind of unjust attitude and accusation is what makes some, otherwise fair-minded people, become prejudiced against these false accusers.
Well, racism works both ways and to accuse someone who is not a racist of being racist IS racism, by the false accusers. To show such unjust cronyism in judgment is called "respect of persons" in the Bible. God is not a "respecter of persons" and commands us not to let "fear of men", or anything else, cause us to be unfairly biased for one against another.
"...God is no respecter of persons ...." Acts 10:34.
"Ye shall not respect persons in judgment; but ye shall hear the small as well as the great; ye shall not be afraid of the face of man; for the judgment is God's ...." Deut.1:17
Hear the small and the great equally, but do not be intimidated, or fear, either the mass protests/riots of the small or the mass power of the great.
So don't hesitate to speak common sense to common ignorance. Truth is the only remedy for ignorance and lies, and all that has weight with God. Flush the lies; embrace the truth. RB
So don't hesitate to speak common sense to common ignorance. Truth is the only remedy for ignorance and lies, and all that has weight with God. Flush the lies; embrace the truth. RB
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