So considering prayer plus God's implantation of medicines on earth, are not both of these blessing important in our healing?
Are not both of these important in our healing?
And if you have ever seen a Doctor or taken an aspirin, don't scorn the benefits of God's insertion of medication in this world, for us to discover, and use in healing. Remember that Apostle Paul traveled with a physician for a reason. Paul referred to him as "Luke the beloved physician". I don't think Luke was doing surgeries, so exactly what treatment might he have been administering?
On the last day of December, 2019, Chinese Health Officials informed the World Health Organization that they had 41 patients with a mysterious form of pneumonia. They reported 6 deaths resulting from it, three weeks later, on January 21. None of which is probably the whole truth.
USA News reported, "President Donald Trump imposed travel restrictions from China on Jan. 31 as the Coronavirus began to spread this year". So, the President's travel restrictions from China were 10 days after China reported 6 deaths from the virus. That is about as quick an action as any reasonable person could expect considering the extremely slow actions of government. The Democrats took 3 1/2 years to accumulate thousands of pages of fake evidence to prove Trump guilty of collusion with the Russians and succeeded only in proving him innocent.
The first Covid 19 deaths in the U.S., in early February, were not recognized as C 19 for several weeks, as cases and knowledge increased. From its beginning, it took about 45 days for C 19 deaths to reach 100 deaths a day, world-wide. Then the number of cases exploded upward from 100 to 10,000 in one day. Then, by the end of the next 3 or 4 weeks, it fell down to an average of 5000 a day over the following two months. So, worldwide, for the past two months, the number of deaths from Covid 19 has averaged about 5000 a day. If that average holds for the next 6 months, the rate of Covid deaths, in that half a year will be about 1 Million world-wide. If that rate continues, it would mean we can expect about 2 million deaths a year world-wide, until, or unless, a vaccine is found, or herd immunity takes hold, or it just fades away. RB
Plagues of the past since Jesus walked among us:
Antonine Plague of 165 AD
An ancient pandemic that affected Asia Minor, Egypt, Greece, and Italy and is thought to have been either Smallpox or Measles, though the true cause is still unknown. This unknown disease was brought back to Rome by soldiers returning from Mesopotamia around 165AD, and killed an estimated 5 million people.
Bubonic Plague of 541- 542 AD,
Thought to have killed perhaps half the population of Europe, the Plague of Justinian was an outbreak of the bubonic plague that afflicted the Byzantine Empire and Mediterranean port cities, killing up to 25 million people in its year long reign of terror.
Black Death Plague of 1346-1353,
This outbreak of Plague ravaged Europe, Africa and Asia, with an estimated death toll between 75 and 200 million people. Thought to have originated in Asia, the Plague most likely jumped continents via the fleas living on the rats that so frequently lived aboard ships.
Cholera Pandemic of 1852-1860,
Generally considered the most deadly of the seven cholera pandemics, the third major outbreak of Cholera in the 19th century lasted from 1852 to 1860. Like the first and second pandemics, the Third Cholera Pandemic originated in India. It killed over a million people.
The Flu Pandemic of 1889-1890,
The first cases were observed in May 1889 in three separate and distant locations, Bukhara in Central Asia (Turkestan), Athabasca in northwestern Canada, and Greenland. Rapid population growth of the 19th century, specifically in urban areas, only helped the flu spread, and before long the outbreak had spread across the globe. Over a million people died of it.
Spanish Flu Pandemic,
Between 1918 and 1920 a disturbingly deadly outbreak of influenza tore across the globe, infecting over a third of the world’s population and ending the lives of 20 – 50 million people. Of the 500 million people infected in the 1918 pandemic, the mortality rate was estimated at 10% to 20%, with up to 25 million deaths in the first 25 weeks alone. What separated the 1918 flu pandemic from other influenza outbreaks was the victims; where influenza had always previously only killed juveniles and the elderly or already weakened patients, it had begun striking down hardy and completely healthy young adults, while leaving children and those with weaker immune systems still alive. (My maternal grandmother died of this flu just after my grandfather returned from World War I in France. RB)
Asian Flue of 1956 -1958
Asian Flu was a pandemic outbreak of Influenza A of the H2N2 subtype, that originated in China in 1956 and lasted until 1958. In its two-year spree, Asian Flu traveled to America and across the world resulting in 2 million deaths.__
These are only the plagues since the time Christ walked the earth. There were surely other plagues in Old Testament days of which we know little.
The very worst of the plagues, since Christ, was the Black Death with up to 200 million deaths which lasted 7 years .... but even that pandemic ended and life continued on earth. Most of them lasted only a couple of years and then passed into history. This one, Covid 19, will probably be the same. But even if it lasts longer, a mask and use of hand sanitizer are easier than sickness or death, and aren't really that inconvenient. Therapeutic medication or a vaccine will be developed, unlike during all but the last of those plagues above, So keep a cool head, be very careful, do what must be done and trust our Lord who has never abandoned us and will not now. Be thankful for all else God is doing for us. RB
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