Sep 8, 2021

A Picture Of Evil Is Worth A Thousand Descriptive Words

Evil Is Sometimes Very Visible

I love this picture of the five House Democrats at the top of my list.... My liars list. But don't misunderstand me, they are not liars because they are ugly, nor to their degree of ugly. Wicked people are not ugly because they are wicked ... nor wicked because they are ugly.  There are many ugly people who are truthful, honest, intelligent and even born again Christians. There are two kinds of ugly. Ug;ly that is only skin deep and ugly to the bone, which includes the heart, mind and soul. These five World Class "liars to the bone", are not just dishonest. That is the characteristic you see and hear from them every day. But the depth of their ugly greed, hate, and demonic power reaches all the way to hell... like putrid roots.

When Jesus said, in Matt.5:44, "Love your enemies", He wasn't speaking of our arch enemy, the devil, nor of demons, the fallen angels. There is no hope of salvation for them.  And there may not be any hope of salvation for some humans ... But we do not know which humans, so we have to love the eternal souls of every human being.  We don't have to love their ugly flesh or thoughts and actions though.  Jesus said that "God so loved the world ...." The Psalmist said to God in his prayer, "Thou hatest all workers of iniquity".  Psm.5:5.  Since we know that David was not contradicting Jesus, he must have meant that though God loves all His creation, including humanity in general, there are many, whom only He knows, who will never repent and be born again.  Heb.1:9 also says that God hates iniquity...." So, it is consistent that God hates sin but loves the soul of the sinner.  So I believe that I can love this picture for the truth it reflects but hate the egregious, double dealing, wicked lies and actions of these five "workers of iniquity".

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