Apr 1, 2011

An April Fool Is No Joke. Full Time Biblical Fools

Common Sense Commentary: Mother would not ever let us use the word ... FOOL. The word "fool" has a certain caustic, cold, cutting edge to it. Jesus cautioned against calling anyone a fool. We don't win people to Christ by calling them names, but He used the word several times in dealing with the real hard cases. But, God can do a lot of things we can't do. In fact He can do anything He wants that is not contrary to His Holy Character which He doesn't want to do anyway. He cannot lie (Titus 1:2) or sin (1Jn.5:18). Though we should not call anyone a fool, the word IS in the Bible so we can use it when quoting God's Word. I use it here only in that way. Let me share ten different Hebrew (Old Testament) and Greek (New Testament) words all translated "fool" but each having a somewhat different meaning.


I...... First is the Heb. word meaning "evil" in Prov.12:15-16 "The way of a fool (is) right in his own eyes." No matter how evil the things he does, "That's just me" he says. In v.16 "A fools wrath is presently known." However pleasant and congenial he may appear to be, his temper is explosive and dangerous. He is a sociopath.

II.....Halal, meaning "boaster or braggart" in Psm.75:4 "I said unto the fools...." (now paraphrasing) "Stop blowing the trumpet for your own haughty entrance."

III...Kesil, meaning "the confidence of ignorance" How so? Prov.29:11 "A fool uttereth all his mind." He says aloud everything that crosses his mind. End result... Prov.18:7 " A fool's mouth is his destruction."

IV....Nabal, meaning "an empty person" Psm.14:1 "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God." He may confess God with his lips but deny God in his heart. He is "empty".

V......Sakal, meaning "thickheaded blabber mouth" Ecc.10:3 & 14 (paraphrased) "When a fool walks among people and opens his mouth, everyone in town knows he is a fool before he arrives at his destination." He has no control of his tongue.


I.......Anoetos, meaning "shallow thinker". Prov.24:25 "Fools are slow of heart to believe all (that the Bible says) parenthesis ( ) Paraphrased.

II......Asophos, meaning "unwise". Eph.5:15 "See that ye walk (in God's will) not as fools, but as wise." "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God who give to all liberally...." James 1:5

III....Aphron, meaning "witless, imperception" Lk.12:20 "You fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be?" God is telling this successful, wealthy man who was obsessed with his wealth that he was going to die unsaved that night and leave all his wealth and possessions behind for others to spend and use. A wasted life is a fool's game.

IV......Moros, meaning "to rebel, non compliant". 1 Cor.4:10 "We are fools for Christ's sake...." That is to say, we do not submit to political correctness or compromise what is right for what is wrong or call evil good and good evil or obey any man or law which contradicts God's law or God's Word. In a word, Christlikeness.

V.......Moraino, meaning "to make a fool of yourself" Rom.1:22 "Professing themselves to be wise they became fools." The primary example is an educated person, professing himself to be wiser than others, says with passion, "There is no God".

Pass it on. RB

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