Common Sense Commentary: What are kingdoms without justice but large bands of robbers? St.Augustine. The question is rhetorical, not intended to elicit an answer. It is a plain statement of fact. Kingdoms, empires, governments or tribal chieftains are not supreme. God is supreme and people are next on His list and then governments ... maybe. God created Civil Government in Genesis 9:5-6 for the Welfare of the human race, Law, Judgement Justice, Protection and Safety, PRIMARILY FOR THE INDIVIDUAL PERSONALLY and COLLECTIVELY in Families, neighborhoods, cities, counties, states and nations. Each individual was intended, by God, to be protected by Civil Governments not the other way around. God did not create the people for the State's welfare but the State for the people's welfare as He created the Church for the people not the people for the Church. The Greek word from which we get "Church" is "Ekklesia" which means a "called out assembly of individuals". Those individuals were not "called out" all at one time but one at a time to be a part of the Church Body as a hand or eye is part of our fleshly body. The "union", unity, communion of that "body of believers" is said to be "the Body of Christ" in 1Cor.12:27. "Now you are the body of Christ, and members in particular." Not only is the body of believers His church but also His "Bride". cf. Rev.21:2 & 9, 22:17.
My point is, the natural tendency of people to find a strong leader with many followers and join in, become a member, work for that leader and for that group for his own security and purpose.... someone to protect and provide for "ME" ... "because I can't take care of myself." This human weakness, fault, or failure of the masses has caused a perversion of the unique "INDIVIDUALITY" God intended. It is this human tendency which has gotten the cart before the horse and has thereby relinquished more and more power to governments, kings and billionaires. Which also means, less and less personal freedom, personal responsibility, and development of each individuals unique calling, personality and abilities . We are so harnessed to government's purposes and demands in the form of a "Tower of Babel" pile of hundreds of different taxes, thousands of rules, laws, forms, requirements and penalties that we don't have time or energy to be ourselves. The early pioneers in this country were closer to real FREEDOM than any of us have been since. We are no more free than an ant in a long line of ants guarded by the Queen's soldiers and kept in line by them. We stay in the Government's harness and plow it's fields as a mule does and is contented with hay, a little corn, water, a barn and not to be beaten ... He has never known freedom and is content. We are similarly content in our misery until the load of unnatural labor heaped upon us drives us to kick the farmer, have a nervous breakdown or die of stress. I hear the cry of Patrick Henry echoing in my soul, "Give me liberty or give me death." Jesus said it even better ..."Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." Jn.8:32. He also said, "I am the truth..." Jn.14:6.
Pass it on. RB
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