Common Sense Commentary: To put things in perspective, lets look at a table of numeric values:
One Thousand = $1,000 is a thousand $1 dollar bills.
One Million = $1,000,000 is a thousand thousand dollars.
One Billion = $1,000,000,000 is a thousand million dollars.
One Trillion = $1,000,000,000,000 is a thousand billion dollars.
One Quadrillion = $1,000,000,000,000,000 is a thousand trillion dollars.
$35 Trillion is the total U.S. "private" citizen (not Gov.) debt.
$14.3 Trillion is the total U.S. "public Government" (not states or private) debt borrowed from nations, institutions etc.
$75 Trillion is the total U.S. Government unfunded commitments (S.S., Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, Gov.Retirement plans etc).
One Quadrillion = $1,000 Trillion is unregulated O.T.C. derivative, contracted, obligations floating around the financial markets.
All of this enormous U.S. Gov. debt is being dealt with by our leaders in a ridiculous, adolescent way which only compounds and complicates the problem. When they can't pay off the debt, they pay the interest only. When they can't pay the interest, they print more money and KICK THE CAN on down the road for future administrations and taxpayers to deal with. TARP money KICKED THE CAN down the road. QUANTITATIVE EASING #1 KICKED THE CAN further down the road. QE 2 kicked it again .... on down the road for the next Congress and Administration to deal with. Its like grown men with children's brains given a stack of credit cards to use as they please.
................................ Kick The Can Super Bowl ..................................
Here we are folks, back from that spectacular half-time, billion dollar extravaganza of Hollywood Prostitutes, Welfare Professionals and that great Rock Band ... "THREE TIME LOSERS" all dancing, jumping and rapping our National Anthem to Charlie Manson's new rendition "Stir Strangled Banter" from his safe haven home in California.
We are broadcasting from the Nation's Capitol in the Super Bowl , Kick The Can playoff between those All American "TAXPAYERS" in the red white & blue uniforms and their opponents in the red uniforms .... the "D.C. DIRTY DEVILS". For many years the "Taxpayers" took home the Golden Can Trophy and defended it successfully against all Comers and "Goers" .... the Lyndon Liars, the Carter Incompetents, the Nixon Bunglers, the Clinton Sex Fiends and that Minor League Bush Team from down in Texas. Even though the "Taxpayers" were out spent, out gunned, out organized, and outhoused every single year ..... they survived to win by the skin of their teeth until late '08'. That was the kick off time for this World Finals Game of "Kick The Can". This game began with the coin toss when the "Taxpayers" elected to receive, receive and receive.... but immediately fumbled the can to the D.C. Dirty Devils who ran the can for a ten yard touchdown and took the lead.
All through the first quarter the IRS, FED, and Wall Street Umpires continued to penalize the "Taxpayers" for dubious infractions. The Taxpayers fumbled time after time and the D.C. Dirty Devils kicked the can down the field for three scores in that first quarter .... QE1.
In the second QE .... QE2 the Dirty Devils did it again. They ran, passed and kicked that pig tin down the field to put yet another score on the big board. Those Dirty Devil fans screamed, hooted and cussed for "M-O- R- E, M-O-R-E, M-O-R-E, MORE QUANTITATIVE EASING FOR LIFE" as they guzzled their $5 beers and handed out $10 tips. At the same time those "Taxpayer" fans were on their OWN feet demanding relief from Quantitative Splurging, Wasteful Wasting, Bureaucratic Umpires and Crooked as a Snake Politicians.
Well, its quite a game folks. The Dirty Devil's starting Quarterback, Geo. Bush, threw in the first can to start the game. Then, strangely, at the insistence of Umpire Benny Bernanke, ran out and kicked that TARP tin in the wrong direction in the very first play of the game. His contract expired just 15 seconds after that blunder and he retired to the sidelines. So he didn't win or lose the game but his back-up, back-up, back-up Quarterback, Barackumup Obama came in to CHANGE all that low grade nonsense to a much higher grade.... and what a change. He gave the Dirty Devil's fans new HOPE for a "Kick The Can Championship" and sure enough, this third quarter QE looks like Quantitative Printing of U.S. Currency is going to take the coveted, "Golden Can Trophy" away from its defenders and be awarded to the D.C. Dirty Devils. I'm told the Devils plan to melt it down and give big bonuses to the Umpires. The Devils are also planing to change the "One Can" rule and replace it with a can for each Devil Fan and get them involved in future games against the Taxpayers. You talk about REAL CHANGE .... Well, why not, those worn out, defeated Taxpayers are so broke those Dirty Devils couldn't get any more blood out of them turnips anyway. Yes folks, its a new day in D.C. Those All American Taxpayers have gone down in defeat and the D.C. Dirty Devils are on top of the "pile". There will be no fourth quarter. The Taxpayers have forfeited the game and left the field. It looks like thousands of Dirty Devil fans on the field tearing down the goal posts. (Your West Texas Common Sense Reporter RB)
...................... Common Sense Commentary .....................
It is my humble opinion that the only way the U.S. Government can ever pay its legitimate debts of $14.3 Trillion and contractual commitments, which total $75 Trillion dollars, is by so called "Quantitative Easing" into perpetuity. This term simply means the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank printing (digital entry) trillions of U.S. dollars, to pay interest on our national debts, until the dam breaks and Hyper Inflation floods the country and the world with worthless dollars. This endless printing of U.S. currency means prices at the grocery market and gas pump do not go up but the buying power of the dollar goes down and we simply pay more dollars to get the same groceries and gas.
That scenario doesn't even account for the one thousand trillion (quadrillion) dollars floating around in derivatives that cannot ever be settled. Nor does it include the 50 U.S. states' debts which I could not discover except for five states where the total was over $100 billion dollars of unpayable debt.
Because of this irredeemable situation in the U.S., which is the greatest transgressor, and in every other nation on earth, the powers that be, the World's Central Bank, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the United Nations will resort to a one world currency. This could not have succeeded if they had not first destroyed our financial foundations.
The IMF will create a virtual reserve currency based on the average of major currencies and "link it to gold" and maybe silver and/or oil, but not convertible to either of the three. This done only to restore confidence. It will be accomplished by means of a measurable method of international currencies similar to the U.S. M3 but on a global scale. The IMF Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) are a step in that direction. The entities mentioned here, as well as China, Russia and the EU, are all already clamoring for a world reserve currency to take the place of the U.S. dollar.
Hyper-Inflation is as certain as the eventual, climatic termination of a pregnancy. It must happen. The abundance of pleasure which produced it is passed but is an unpaid debt. The deed is done. the seed is sown. It cannot be delayed indefinitely by QE "Monopoly" money. Inconvenience and pain, as payment, are certain. We have "...sown the wind and we will reap the whirlwind." Hosea 8:7. But, with the financial destruction, loss and pain could come forth a rebirth of financial and moral sanity and maybe Spiritual Revival or even better, the Return of Christ for His Believers who have at least tried to do right. Did He not teach us to pray, "Thy Kingdom come ...." Matt.6:10. Have we ever had more reason to pray, "LORD come quickly", as He promised to do, in times like these, in Rev.3:11, 22:7,12 & 22. So, take heart .... "When these things begin to come to pass ... THEN look up for your redemption draweth nigh." Lk.21:28.
Pass it on. RB
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