Dec 17, 2014

The Heart Of A KIA Soldier's Little Son

Common Sense Commentary: I have complained many times that the Main Street Media seldom covers the loss of our soldiers killed in action (KIA). Here is an exception to that News Negligence. It is a story just too good for even CBS to pass up. If you can get through this video without a single tear, you better check yourself in at the emergency room for heart surgery or a serious embalming procedure. RB

"... A little child shall lead them." Isa. 11:6

Short advertisement at the beginning of the video. RB


Rex said...

The fact that an 8 year old boy knows what "paying it forward" means says volumes about his "raising".
His mother is the unsung hero.
Where's my handkerchief?
Thanks Dad, you made my day.

Bob Blair said...

Thank you for the tears dad. A wonderful reminder of how blessed I am to have my loving dad, mom, sisters, brothers and friends who also "pay it forward"... and they do it with eternal Christian values in their hearts.