Nov 17, 2011

Five Steps From Critical Dreamer To Action Leader

Common Sense Commentary: "For a dream cometh (comes true) through the multitude of business;
and a fool's voice is known by a multitude of words.  Ecc.5:3.

Here are five steps to move from a quick critic ("Why doesn't someone do something") or from a fearful dreamer....  ( "I wish I had the knowledge or courage to do something worth doing").....
to a person of action .... a leader.... a doer rather that a big talking dreamer.
Awareness, Hope, Will, Motivation, Action

I.  Are you AWARE of an important need or problem in your neighborhood, at your work place,  in your nation or in your church family? If you are aware at all, the answer is "Yes".  If your answer is "No", read no further, go back to sleep.

II.  Being aware, what do you HOPE someone will do to answer the need or solve the problem?  Pray for leadership and put your hopes on paper.  Outline a plan in five steps which will answer the need or solve the problem.

III.  Knowing,  Hoping and Praying for what must be done, WILL you commit yourself to fulfill your outlined plan, which God put in your mind, and begin with step #1 ? Will you take the responsibility?

IV.  Having begun with step #1,  will you continue with step #2 and stay MOTIVATED  with prayer for wisdom and strengh, faith that God will inspire and lead you, and knowing you can and will do it?

V. Will you take ACTION now ?  "Arise and go"

"Let us arise and go up to Bethel, and make an altar unto God." Gen.35:3

"...We will arise and go; that we may live, and not die...." Gen.43:8

"I will arise and go to my father, and will say ... I have sinned...." Lk.15:18

"And the Lord said ... arise and go ... and it shall be told thee what thou
must do." Acts.9:6

"Arise and go ... for the Lord hath called for a famine ...." 2 Kings 8:1

"For a dream comes through the multitude of business; and a fool's
voice is known by a multitude of words."  Ecc.5:3.

Pass it on. RB

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