Sep 3, 2019

Equal Everything Without Cost Is Paid For With Equal Poverty

Equal Pain, Loss, And Disincentive

Our country has survived civil war, foreign wars, wide spread addiction to tobacco, liquor, gluttony, every kind of evil, and government corruption for many years. Our intact republic's survival is probably due to law enforcement, a growing awareness of the eventual consequences of such bad behavior, and the preserving effects of a majority who have held our national ship on course. These things are still happening ... but we have survived them, as a nation.

We may even survive the present Tower Of Babel technological development of unbelievable, world changing artificial intelligence which, as in the Garden of Eden's tree of life and asymetric tree of death called "knowledge of good and evil", may carry us into Socialism. We may survive the spread of Left-wing treason, foreign intrusion, exceedingly corrupt politicians, political correctness, excessive taxation, drug abuse, packed full jails,  and even world-wide plagues. We have always survived and climbed over or dug under mountains of obstacles. But no country can survive, in tact, under the dictatorship and incentive killing cause and effect of national Socialism. The proof of this fact is verified by the ruinous history and wreckage strewn road of Socialism. China has, so far, survived Communist Socialism by a half right turn in 1978 when it opened  to the west and injected a large dose of Free Enterprise Capitalism into its national veins. Their Communist government is still trying to pull China out of its devastating, mud hole, past with Free Enterprise horses, but the asymmetrical nature of this monstrosity is beginning to pull the country apart.  Either its socialism or it free enterprise has to die. China cannot digest both. Russia had to crash and burn economically before it decided to dump Socialism. They called it Perestroika, which worked for awhile, but Putin still keeps the Socialism keys in his left pocket.  Cuba is now trying to reform its losing Socialist system which has left it in shambles and far behind free nations. But oddly, the successful free nations have begun injecting themselves with the Socialist addiction needle too.

All of the Eastern European nations were forced into the USSR's Communist dictatorship after WWII, but later, in the early 80s, fell like rotten fruit from the Socialist tree when Russia had bled them dry. With their new found freedom they were beginning to do well ... until another seductive siren song called European Unity led them astray again from the common sense of freedom, free enterprise and personal responsibility for themselves. They are even now suffering under this new form of united Socialism.  Briton finally awoke from its Socialist stupor and voted itself out of the E.U. with Brexit, which Boris Johnson, their new Prime Minister may now force into reality.  The Swiss are now seriously thinking of leaving the E.U. also.

When Germany, after losing WWI, was so overburdened with reparations payments to Europe, for starting that war, they  embraced Hitler's Nazi (National Socialist German Workers Party) and followed him into WWII, and near obliteration.... The natural termination of Socialism.  Today, Communist North Korea, like a starving mugger, in rags, living in a hovel, but with a sharp, expensive,  military knife, lashes out at its rich neighbors. Socialism takes a lot of different forms .... all bad... all destined to disintegration.

The latest example of the debilitating effects of Socialism is Venezuela's left turn into Communist Socialism. In their case, they went from being known as "The Paris Of South America", its richest nation, to now being its poorest and most pathetic nation in S.A. though they have massive reserves of oil and gas. From the time they nationalized those reserves, stole the property, facilities and machinery of U.S. oil companies, who had developed that industry and infrastructure,  cut their own throat with the Socialism knife and are at this moment paralyzed, starving and a civil war is brewing.

If the thousands of professing Christians who say they don't want to dirty their hands with politics don't repent and learn to vote, we may be on the same slippery slope to full blown Socialism ourselves.  About half of American citizens support one of about twenty Presidential Candidates, who call themselves Democrats, but are, in fact, various versions of Socialists. Each has a disastrous plan for a radical Socialist, Communist government for America. Our country may soon be the next victim of this ignorance.  Not a single Democrat candidate is a Constitutional, Free Enterprise, Common Sense Candidate. One of them may soon be the President and initiate a coup detat ... or self inflicted bullet to the national brain.  That may seem impossible, but the Leftist politicians, media, Hollywood, and Silicon Valley plot is unfolding to destroy President Trump and exalt one of these Socialists into the Presidency.  God may yet deliver us, but not if we don't do our human part, "turn from our wicked ways" and resist the devil.      
"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." James 4:7.

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