Oct 4, 2019

Evil Men Tried To Drown David In His Assigned Swamp Cleanup

Their heirs still battle to keep the swamp festering.

So, the once favorite, "Republican for President", Mormon Mitt Romney, who, against Obama looked like the epitome of Mr. Clean, suddenly has mean, envious eyes, and a teeth grinding tight mouth... but has become the Republican Establishment's ambush assassin with his cross hairs on President Trump. And that, despite the fact he is siding with Pelosi, Schumer, Clapper, Sharpton, Waters, Nadler, Hillary, and the Squad of 4 "Olympic Liars" trophy winners. If Romney cannot see that the Multi-millionaire, Joe Biden, cult leader needs investigating, regardless the blow-back, he is sick in the head. If he isn't one of us … he must be one of them … and probably was when he ran for the Oval Office.  Trump may be fearless and maybe imprudent, but "Brazen" has Romney's DNA on the sweatband. Trump's hat is still red … not a faded, dirty blue like Romney's. If you take sides, be very careful it is not with those mentioned, who hate Trump. Even a novice can see the hateful malice of that bunch.

Mr. President, pray this prayer of God's appointed, future King, David, when he had more enemies than friends … who were trying to baptize him in the swamp of their corruption, which he was chosen by God to drain.

"Deliver me out of the mire (swamp), and let me not sink: let me be delivered from them that hate me...." Psm.69:14


Mitt has been with the Dems all along like all the other RINOs

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