Nov 11, 2019

Trump Has A Legion Of Skills & This One Glaring Flaw

Equal in span to his entire legion of skills ... ego

The election of President Trump was a phenomenon predicted only by the few who had their fingers on the pulse of disillusioned and fed-up American Patriots. These were Working Tax Payers, Christians, Right to Lifers, and Common Sense Good Citizens who could take no more of the corruption and double dealing of D.C. Socialist elites .... They were volcanically angry. Then, along came Trump, with his own open contempt for professional Democrat politicians, establishment Republicans, government bureaucrats, pompous elitists and the scourge of Socialism. The eruption of  Conservative citizens liked him because of what all of their opposite types hated about him. Trump is rather pompous himself, but he is a problem solving pragmatist and could see clearly a way through the maze of obstacles between him and the White House. He doesn't think in terms of political parties but in terms of what works, what is real not what is thought to be. He had no "political" experience but tons of practical, business, building, organizing, managing experience. He wrote the book, "The Art Of The Deal" and is a wheeler dealer, a loose cannon with a GPS guidance system. He sees problems as opportunities not liabilities and thrives on obstacles and the impossible.  Democrats believe impeachment, with false charges, is the only way they can win the Presidency from him.

As he grew up, Trump morphed into his environment, to be successful there, and calls it New York Values. He supported both political parties and was even open to abortion for a while. He often volunteered to do what no other New Yorker could, and embraced New York because that was where he was born, lived, knew and maneuvered. His main interest was in success … and how to succeed at it. Politics was a New York Value to be partnered with subsidized and used. It did not pay to break the law, so he used the law to his advantage and only fudged when it was a hindrance to good progress. 

This is a man unlike anyone you have ever known.  He is a unique blend of Yankee and Confederate. He sounds like a New Yorker, looks like Hollywood, but has an affinity for solid rock, working  class patriots who do the hard work and make broken things work.  He has also grown to admire evangelical Christians ... uncommon in New York City.... and he may even be a newborn Believer who hasn't yet had his mouth washed out with soap.

Though not truly political, but practical, I believe that Trump honestly loves our country and could see that Socialist Democrats and "do nothing about it Republicans" were carrying the nation in an incorrect, impractical, destructive direction. I believe it was that which motivated him to declare himself a deal making, fed up Republican and to break out of his business success mode and run for President .... to correct impractical ruinous errors, and save the ship from sinking. In less than three years Trump has unloaded hundreds of excess baggage, on loaded hundreds of vital changes and attacked the D.C. swamp with an army of sewage clean-up experts. And the left-wing swamp muckers hate him for it.

Some say that Trump is not a Democrat or Republican but a Populist. A Populist is a person, usually a politician, who strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by the establishment elitists absorbed in their own welfare and importance … not the people's. We know Trump didn't run to get rich; Being President has cost him $millions. He was already famous … and free. He is no longer as free, but probably freeer than any other President in history and he exhibits his freedom daily.

Trump's New York vernacular disguises his amazing foresight and intelligence but he is one of the most productive Presidents in our history with something like 400 major, good, national accomplishments in his first three years. And this while in a running gun battle with Democrats and his own Party. As far as I can tell, he has just one major flaw ... his mammoth ego. He is not a narcissist because he does care about people and has proven it often in his generosity and dealings with others.  But that boastful ego is the reason a lot of Evangelical types have a hard time liking him, though they love what he has accomplished in just three years as President. Democrats hate him for the same reasons we Conservatives appreciate him. No one else could have done what President Trump has done for the good of the entire nation. He has corrected innumerable, indelible mistakes of Obama and past Presidents. But there is one which cannot be corrected.
This last caveat. Under the last few Presidents and Congress, the U.S. had become a Runaway Mountain train speeding down to an economic, debt crash ... out of control... with no brakes. That's when Trump volunteered to try and fix it. The truth is, it can't be stopped, but it may be moderated and the passengers prepared ... But, then the entire world is in as bad a shape as America.  So blame past politicians and an obese, entitlement addicted public for getting our nation into this precarious condition.... However, Trump will get the blame because his hand will be on the throttle when the Merry Go Down stops.  RB

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