Jul 7, 2021

Should Imperfect Humans Witness For Christ?

If they didn't there would not be a single Christian witness on this earth.

Our human imperfection does not negate our salt and light calling.
Any judgement or resistance of evil, other than God's, derives from
an imperfect source.  But that imperfection does not disqualify the Christian from standing firmly against sin and injustice.  Neither does it relieve him from defending truth, honor, and every holy cause. No Old Testament prophet was without human fallibility, and none of Christ's Apostles were, either.  But God put His holy message into their repentant hands and sent them out to give the truth of sin and salvation to a much more wicked world. So do not let your own fallibility and imperfection neutralize your witness for Christ ... unless you have unconfessed sins lurking in your heart. In which case, deal with your own guilt before you try to help someone else deal with theirs. But when you have repented and been restored, by God's grace .... get busy as salt and light to a sin darkened world.

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