Oct 25, 2021

Newly Discovered Evidence Reveals US At A Point Of No Return

Fight or be in bondage.

My greatest concern for our nation and the still possibility of continued freedom, is not whether or not Election Fraud happened.  That is an irrefutable fact proven by a mammoth mountain of hi-tech facts now being exposed.  No, my deepest concern stems from my driving penchant for finding the eventual destination of that evidence.  Each revealed fact is like a track leading to a conclusion, at trails end, where my hound-dog nose, consulting my analytical brain, leads me.  The largest percentage of that foreign, Cyber War, attack evidence, not counting U.S. inside fraud,  came primarily to the states that would be highly contested in the last election,  Arizona, Georgia, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Wisconsin and 2 0r 3 others where the election was fraudulently  shifted to Biden.  Now we know that the "Fact Tracks" led through Cyber Space Computers right back to "Year Of The Skunk" in Communist China and other Socialist states.  But the whole world now knows, even if our own yellow dogs and idiots do not, that massive fraud did  occur.  
Meanwhile, Communist China will literally call up the fires of hell, in their defense, and pump $trillions into court costs, bribes and Cyber War attacks to stop this threat to their dream of world dominance.  They will buy-off world leaders, the famous, News Media, politicians and do anything it takes to keep their global belt and roads plan on track.  Sadly they will be joined by a host of Socialist Communists in positions of influence and power in America.  I won't mention names but you know who they are.  In unison the Communist Chinese Skunk trail will be joined by our own breed of polecats to cover each other's smelly tracks in an attempt to throw world opinion off their cyber trail of masssive, global, election fraud.
By that time, the "poll" cat being out of the bag, the present spurious administration, would shift into survival mode.  Their horror and hysteria would kick in and they who approve of killing unborn babies, same sex marriage, defunding the police, open borders, and paying voters not to work ... will do any contemptable thing to win this war.  It would not escape the Communist Chinese Party or their Communist U.S. collaborators, that one of the 5 Constitutionalist Justices needs to retire or expire ... and a Socialist installed while the present President still has a majority in both houses of Congress to replace the dearly departed Constitutionalist Justice..  THAT is my fear.  It is their only exit out of this house afire they have ignited ... short of civil war, which they would lose.

If you know some patriot in high position, it would be prudent to pass along a reminder that those 5 justices need to upgrade their security... and with agents of their own choice not of the sold out FBI's choice.

This may be my last blog allowed by those who have cancelled so many other  Constitutional patriots and Christian messengers. RB

See some of the irrefutable evidence 
of this Cyber War at ....  

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