Dec 4, 2018

Why Democrats Grind Their Teeth At Hearing "America First"

Yes, the Left Wing Elite and their Politicians grind their teeth when they hear the President say, un-apologetically,  "America First". But what is the President of a nation supposed to do, fight equally for the interests of China, Russia, Iran and North Korea?  Do you put all the wives, husbands and children in your town on an equal treatment plain with your own. If you say yes, you and lying. Our President's primary responsibility is the security, safety, and equal treatment of AMERICA FIRST in every arena of our U.S Constitutional guarantees. Then, if he has any time or energy left, he can encourage and or admonish other national leaders to follow his example and "Put their own nation first in all their own dealings". Other nations are not our President's or our Congress's business. The reason Democrats do not like the concept of "America First", is that it is contradictory to their fantasy of One World Without Borders Globalism with its pipe dream of equal law, equal food, equal income, equal medical treatment, equal housing, equal education and equal everything for every human on earth.  That "sounds good" to Liberal Socialist "children in adult bodies", but it has never worked and has brought ruin and poverty to all who tried it ... equally.  Even China, Russia and Cuba are slowly turning away from Communism. RB

From The White House:

‘We don’t apologize for America anymore’

President Trump promised to make honoring our veterans one of the top priorities of his Administration. Part of that promise means restoring American patriotism. “We don’t apologize for America anymore. We stand up for America,” the President told the Veterans of Foreign Wars national convention yesterday in Missouri.
“And we stand up for our National Anthem,” the President said to a thundering ovation. 
The above proves that the vast majority of veterans and working, tax paying citizens in America support the Constitution, which was built on Biblical principals by our Christian majority forefathers. They worshiped God and were led by His Holy Spirit in framing that unequaled  Freedom Instrument of Law and Order. It created a nation and atmosphere conducive to personal responsibility, freedom to worship, freedom to speak, freedom to prosper, freedom to witness of your faith, and freedom to live without government or other people's interference.  That being true, it is cautiously appropriate to reckon ... To hell with  false religions which carry people there, to hell with false worship of money, power, education, athletics, movie stars,  cars, houses, and even your nation, or any other thing of thought besides Jehovah God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. RB

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