Jan 23, 2019

America's riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma ...

 Snake Eggs Ready To Hatch ...

I have mentioned, on this blog, a number of times, that our Federal Government and The Federal Reserve Bank are so far in debt they can never ever pay it, in a million years. Therefore they have just three options to deal with the debt and their lenders, (1) They can default on the debt, which would cause so much damage to them and our nation, here and abroad, that we would become a third world country. (2) They could revalue our 8000 tons of gold reserves in Fort Knox and the New York Fed ... from about $1,300 an ounce up to about $200,000 an ounce (Not a typo) and pay off the creditors with all our gold reserves. That would make a paper $100 bill worth nothing. But since our reserves haven't been audited since President Eisenhower, they probably aren't even there. (3) It appears that the Fed, and in collusion with other world Federal Reserve Banks, has already made their choice of this third option, which is a bait and switch enigma seemingly incomprehensible to the average person. As Churchill said, of Russia's intentions ..."It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma." I'm refering to a politicians trick which allows them to give their voting constituents everything they demand.... free. This enigma is so obscure to our thinking that we gullibly gulp it down like sweet but deadly antifreeze. It is the ability, without so much as a single silver dime backing up our currency, to print all the pseudo "money" politicians need, to cover their indulgent spending. It is that which got us where we are and that which they will continue to do to make the  payments on our national debt. Past Presidents had a choice to solve this debt problem, but Trump has inherited the paradox and has no choice now but to continue it. The only thing wrong with it is that each dollar bill they print or digitize makes every other U.S. dollar on earth worth less and therefore, everything we buy costs more. It is called inflation but it is really government stealing. It is the political trick which has destroyed many a nation and the unrecognized weapon of progressive Socialism, as in Venezuela, its latest victim. That is where we are now going. Those who know it best are the "big" banks who own the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank System.  It is not owned by the U.S. Here is a recent headline from ...

The American Banker  publication 
By Alex Pollock
The Fed is technically insolvent


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