Feb 7, 2020

What Is A Socialist Who Doesn't Believe In God? A Communist

Bernie Sanders' policies are Communist. 

Though he has not been able to install them in the U.S. .... yet, other Legislators, who claimed not to be Socialists, have pushed some through under the 
misnomer ... "Entitlements". If Bernie Sanders is elected President, 
we will all be "Entitled" to free medical care, free college, free food, free nursery care, free housing, and free retirement funds ... but, though legally entitled to all that, we will all get equal Communist poverty, misery, and dictatorship. 

Bernie is a Jew, but so was Karl Marx, the father of Communism.  Even though there are more Jews, percentage wise, who are both famous and successful, than any other race of people, neither of them have held Jews, their own race, in high esteem. Bernie's brother, Larry, says of him, "He is quite substantially not religious".  When Bernie was 46 he chose Moscow as the promised land for his marriage and honymoon. When Buddie Nickols, Fred Good and I were there, with a load of Bibles, at about the same time, we found all of Russia and the Soviet Union to be a basket case where the ariliner's tires were bald, the baggage conveyers didn't work ... and neither did workmen sitting on them, the streets were chug-holes, the taxie's were caughing, rattling wrecks, and the store shelves were bare. But Bernie returned to America singing the glories of Communism and is still trying to convert the U.S. to a Communist system of Government, as a US Senator from Vermont. The people of  Vermont chose him as their Senator .... so let's let them keep him. Even the Democrat Party leadership does not want him as their candidate for President because they are only half Communist and he is whole hog.  But he is not "corrupt" enough for them, considering they chose Hillary and railroaded him in 2016.  But few in America have as shallow Political judgement or spiritual awareness as Bernie. It is sufficient to realize Bernie is a clandestine Communist and an admitted, 100% Socialist. RB

This from CNN Religious Editor Daniel Burke

"He is quite substantially not religious" The Book of Bernie: Inside Sanders' unorthodox faith 

In his autobiography .... There is no mention of the months he spent on a kibbutz in northern Israel. (Actually, Israel isn't mentioned at all, a noteworthy omission for a Jewish-American politician.)
Friends say the agrarian Israeli collective solidified Sanders' faith in socialism, but it apparently did not deepen his relationship with organized Judaism.
As Sanders moved to Vermont and began his political career, local rabbis learned not to invite him to services. He never accepted, though friends say he would attend Jewish friends' funerals at synagogues. He wasn't hostile to religion, colleagues say. More like indifferent.
"He is quite substantially not religious," his brother Larry Sanders would later say.
My Comment:
So if you are self reliant, believe in God, are a right to lifer, a tax payer, love America, defend the Constitution, want strong borders, support the military and law officers, believe in the sanctity of marriage, stand up for the flag and national anthem, and have sense enough to reject Communism, you don't want the likes of Bernie Sanders and his squad of immature, unrealistic, silly  girl, partners who were "also rans" for President, but flunked out. RB