Oct 7, 2020

Russia's Putin Says He Likes Trump But Relates To Biden Democrat's Ideology

I like Bush but relate to Conservative Partiots. RB

Breitbart Commentary on Bloomberg News article . 

By Joel B. Pollak, Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News

 Russia's Putin Praises 'Ideological' 
Link Between Democrats And Soviet Communism

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday that he could work with Joe Biden in a new administration, citing common ground he shared with the Democrats over a shared embrace of Soviet ideology.

Bloomberg News reported that while Putin praised President Donald Trump for improving relations, he was prepared to work with Biden if he won the U.S. election.

He cited Biden’s support for new arms reduction treaties — such as the lopsided New START under President Barack Obama.

Putin added, approvingly, that Biden’s Democrats shared similar ideals to those Russia embraced under Soviet communism:

The Russian leader even argued that the values of the Democrats were similar to those of the Soviet Communist Party, of which he said he’d been a member for 18 years. The Soviet regime’s longtime ties with the Black community in the U.S. could also be a basis for links to the Democrats, he said.

“Equality, brotherhood, what’s wrong with that?” Putin said. “There is some kind of ideological basis for establishing contacts with a representative of the Democratic Party.”

On Wednesday, the Trump administration declassified notes by former CIA director John Brennan indicating that he had briefed Obama about then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s plans to tie Trump to Russia.

Biden was present at an Oval Office meeting in January 2017 when the investigation of incoming National Security Advisor Michael Flynn for possible Russia ties was discussed. FBI agents had not found any evidence of such ties at that point.


My Comment:  This is not "NEWS" but common knowledge among observant U.S. Patriots and woke Democrats who have the advantage of a Communist Press which daily buries the truth and breathes life into the lie that they are the good guys.  Democrats have morphed from the Slave Masters of the Civil War ... to Lying Lyndon Johnson's Great Society of reparations , which has cost $22 Trillion and rising.  Then the Dems transformed into Welfare Masters, politically exploiting their slave recipients who get free stuff from the Master's table.  Now the majority of Dems have morphed into modern day Marxist Communists.  That is anyone who is a firebrand Socialist as well as an Atheist.  For years they hid both of these Left-Wing ideologies while sowing their seed. Now they flaunt them in the streets as they wreck and burn down Free Enterprise businesses and attack US history, law officers and innocent citizens.  These are common Communist tactics to sow fear and gain power.  Now the barbarians are at the door and four weeks from today we will bolt the door or leave it open. Every vote counts. RB

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