Oct 12, 2020

The Difference In Up And Down While Hell Hatches Lies All Around

DayVsNight WrongVsRight BlindVsSight

The following message is from a Message Board friend, BWT.  Her assessment of a Trump Rally, in Socialist California yet, and even in his absence, is an accurate sampling of his supporters across America.  That is not the false impression the Democrat, Main Street Media puts out.  But it is the truth, as all of his rallies reveal.  Here is BWT's comment on the California Rally...

I went to the Trump rally at the San Clemente pier last Saturday.  Trump wasn't there in person, but in spirit.  I'd estimate 2 to 3 thousand supporters showed up.  Surprise, surprise, it wasn't just a bunch of old white men.  Lots of women, Hispanics, and blacks.  All very nice and friendly people.  No buildings burnt down, no chants of hate, or shootings.  All that is on the left with the Marxists.  There is such a stark contrast between conservatives and the Marxist left.  The Trump rally was all positive, support of the police, community spirit and all conducted in the light of day.  Contrast that with the 'mostly peaceful' violence of the left, hate filled thuggery conducted in the dark of the night.  
The two visions of America are starkly different.  The leftist dystopian view of Amerika is dark and based on lies.  Anyone who votes for "Biden" is beyond stoooopid. BWT

My Comment:
Well, BWT, I have to agree with every word of your summation of the vast differences in the two political parties.  One is pro-abortion, pro-socialist, pro-homosexual, pro-open borders, pro-illegal aliens, pro-legalizing narcotics, pro-packing Supreme court, pro-unfund police, pro-get out of jail free (no bail), pro-statehood for Democrat run D.C. and Puerto Rica with two more Democrat, US Senators each, pro-free everything including a free universal salary and worst of all, anti-Jew and anti-biblical Christianity.  I can't say that tawdry Trump is "saintly" but I can certainly say that he is not the devil incarnate as are his opponents and their Party. I don't hate them, but I do hate what they will do to this beloved nation. Trump/Pence have proven, over the last 4 years, what they will do. Harris/Biden have proven over their two lifetimes what they will do .... Feeding at the public trough, but Nothing Worthwhile. RB

A final thought for rational people only...

When the FBI, CIA, Wall Street, China, Russia NYT, WAPO, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, and CBS, NBC, ABC all want you to vote for one guy, it would be really stupid not to vote for the other guy ... whoever it might be.

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