Apr 21, 2021

Men Have Been Scheming Since Adam/Eve Took Evil Advice And Cain Killed Able

It is History Now!

Today George Soros, Biden, Kamala Harris, Pelosi, Maxine Waters and Hollywood, the media, and Wall Street are pimping advice for the Kingdom of Darkness and half of America is buying into their lies and hate stock. It is much like Adam and Eve bought into Satan's false narrative and their misguided son, Cain, was convinced God was a racist, partial to his brother, Abel. So he killed his brother out of jealousy, bad information and hatred.

While that same, long playing, stage production has repeated itself thousands of times, around the world, shrewd speculators have done due diligence and invested their resources and lives in the works of men, false narratives, treasures, bonds, and stock markets.  Some have won in their investments and more often, lost, as it is in Las Vegas. RB

An example case along the way is History Now

“The shrewder speculators* became alarmed. They began to sell their shares of stock, and hoard in gold the enormous wealth they had acquired. This resulted in a demand on the government for metal in exchange for its paper, and soon the government had no metal to give. Then the crash came. Those who had the government paper could buy nothing with it. Those who held the Mississippi stock could scarce give it away. It was worthless. The government itself refused to accept its own paper for taxes. A few lucky speculators had made vast fortunes; but thousands of families, especially among the wealthier classes, were ruined.”

Edward S. Ellis and Charles F. Home
The Story of the Greatest Nations (1900)

 Please see this link for a summary of  'Law’s Mississippi Company' land scheme.


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