Aug 19, 2021

One Has To Wonder If This Is The Last Generation

Or just a hellish detour through the swamp.

When you thought the storm of bad news couldn't possibly get any worse, in America, two more "Thunderclaps" blew out our national windows and weakened our walls.  Biden's Afghanistan policy turned a successful holding action, by our military, into a Cowardly, "Commander In Chief" defeat retreat, leaving 10,000 American civilians stranded behind and betraying  a million friendly Afghans to unimaginable horrors for working with the U.S.  Now, every soldier killed there and every one left damaged for life, paid that price .... for nothing.  And surviving solders are left resentful at the betrayal and less willing to expose themselves to the dangers of war. That most recent, of a long list, of debacles you already knew about, but here is one you didn't know about.  One which will, without doubt, bring more plagues of God upon a nation which permits, and finances such horrors, to get it done:

To suggest that I should cease to sound the warning against such diabolical evil, "because it is politics", is to say that the Titanic Chaplin should have, while the ship was sinking, been praying in the flooded chapel, instead of helping the women and children get into the life-boats.
There is often a very thin line between Politics and Holy Causes. So the Afghan betrayal may just be corrupt politics, but corruption is a spiritual issue and violates God's truth, honesty and justice.  Cutting away aborted, baby, body parts is a blatant outrage against God and innocent little babies.  It is, possibly, even worse than abortion... ghoulishness ... in a Fouche "science" mask.
Our nation can't take much more such "politics", desecration of holy things and provocation of Almighty God.  RB  

Third thunderclap today

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