Dec 21, 2020

It Is A Matter Of Historic, Public Record ... How Quickly The World Forgets

Socialism is unwise ... destined to calamity

A Witness Whose Family Survived Socialism:

"It is a matter of public record that, like the victims of the Shoah, the prisoners of communism underwent unimaginable physical degradation and psychological torture. Who will educate the Prime Minister of Greece and tell him of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s long-lasting witness? Who will enlighten Pablo Iglesias Turrión about the black mass which, in the name of humanity, the KGB proxies organized at Pitești Prison during the late 1950s? Students of theology living under communism were forced to denounce God, to mock Christ, and to blaspheme the name of the Virgin Mary under the burden of extreme beatings and despicable sufferings. Such was the “love” for “humanity” that millions of people witnessed during the 20th century. Such are the untruths that vote-seeking, parliament-leading Marxist revolutionaries want to pour into the minds of ordinary men and women, who may begin their adult life by searching for a better job, but might end their pursuit of happiness by embracing an obsolete and evil ideology." - Mihail Neamtu

Those are the words of a man born into the Socialist Republic of Romania under the horrific dictatorship of Nicolae Ceausescu. He was one of the cruelest of a cadre of vicious Communist leaders of the United Soviet Socialist Republic in the 1970/80s, just 30 to 50 years ago. Ceausescu was a carbon copy of Joseph Stalin, the vilest of the vile, who murdered more freedom loving people than Hitler. How quickly the world forgets. Those who suffered Socialism/Communism will not forget.

Fred Good and I toured the Soviet Union, including Romania, right after that monstrosity was totally bankrupted by Socialism. We saw the wreckage and
ruinous corrosion of that diabolic, unworkable system. Every nation, a part of the USSR, was, at that time, a junkyard in every way except militarily.

Prior to that, I personally saw the awful barbarity that the North Korean Communists wrecked upon the people of South Korea during their invasion of the South. My eyes saw bar ditches, north of Seoul, that were full of hundreds of bodies of South Korean citizens with their hands wired behind their backs. How quickly the world forgets. We who were there will never forget. 

When we drove the North Koreas back across the 38th parallel we saw the unbelievable poverty of the North Korean people and when we left North Korea, 98,000 of them left with us, crowded on the decks of our ships, to South Korea.  At least that many more were left standing on the shore who wanted to leave but we had no more room on our ships. How quickly the world forgets. We who were there cannot forget.

So now, with Cuba and Venezuela, as object lessons right here in the Americas, of the utter failure of Socialism/Communism, still, half of our nation is clambering for Socialism/Communism to replace our Free Enterprise, Constitutional Republic for the system that destroyed the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela. How quickly the Democrats have forgotten.

God deliver us from a generation of adult children fanaticizing their entitlement of everything without labor or cost.

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