Oct 21, 2011

Mathematics of Archimedes' Constant (Pi)

Common Sense Commentary: Pi  "The heavens declare the glory of God."  Psm.19:1

                                           Archimedes' Constant
                                                     by  RB
This eternal, consistent constant is known as "Pi", which Greek letter looks similar to TT , and is the most famous of all mathematical concepts.  Its constancy is in its ratio of any circle's circumference to its diameter.  Though, in that sense it is always constant, its exact numerical value is impossible to determine because its endless fractions are ad infinitum.  Therefore, when defining or using it, we have to settle for a number we can easily deal with, which is 3.14, its first three digits.  I could type up 10,000 pages of it and not even start on its infinite length of fractions.  The first nine digits are 3.14159265 and so on.

This week, a team of Japanese math enthusiasts, using a PC, broke a Pi record.  It took them a year, but they succeeded in doubling a super computer's record of 5 billion digits, by recording 10 billion digits of Pi.

The most interesting thing about Pi is that all of nature, science and engineering are reflective of it into the billions or probably trillions or more ways.  Not that we need any more proof, but Pi is simply another irrefutable proof of intelligence  in Creation.   It is just another of God's finger prints on the Universe.

As far as we know, Pi was first recognized in the third century, before Christ's birth into the earth, by Archimedes of Syracuse and was originally known as "Archimedes' Constant".  It is not only another proof of an intelligent Creator God, but also, an eternal, infinite, constant Creator. Talk about Pi in the sky in the here and now.

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