Oct 16, 2012

Will Someone Say 'Holy War?'

Common Sense Commentary:  The only Common Sense Commentary I have about the black flag of Islam flying over the White House in September, during "United American Muslim Day", is .... Sickening, sickening sickening! Otherwise, speechless
except to wonder, "Why wasn't this reported by the Liberal American Media?"

The Jerusalem Post

Will someone say, ‘Holy War?’

A holy war is being waged. And the black flag

of jihad is waving a warning to all free people.

Islamic Jihad operatives in GazaPhoto: REUTERS
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It was strange indeed to see the black flag of Islamic Jihad flying over the White House in Washington, DC. Yet that was the image on the programs handed out at the annual United American Muslim Day Parade in New York City in September 2012. Below the photograph were the words “Islam: the Future of America.”

Though reportedly dedicated to promoting peace and harmony, the parade ended with speakers spewing such incendiary, offensive rhetoric that New York State Sen. Tony Avella—a Democrat, VIP parade marshal, and scheduled speaker—walked off the stage in protest.

Among the diatribes was one by a Brooklyn imam calling for the UN to pass blasphemy laws criminalizing language offensive to Muslims. Another came from a young Muslim woman screaming, “We have unborn martyrs in our wombs.” And Palestinian refugees were referred to as victims of Israeli aggression who are confined in camps by “Zionist Nazis.”

Ironically, the event took place a mere 12 days after the September 11 attacks on the US Embassy in Cairo, Egypt, and US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, the latter of which took the lives of American Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three members of his staff. Though many Americans and Western leaders refuse to acknowledge what truly is happening around the world, it isn’t difficult to connect the dots.

In concert with the attacks, the black flag of Islamic Jihad was hoisted over the US Embassies in Cairo and Tunis, Tunisia. In fact, the Middle East was in flames as American flags were trampled and burned by Islamists who concluded the time was right to gain radical Muslim hegemony throughout the region.

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