Jun 16, 2021

God Gave Dominance To Civil Societies Not Lying Tyrants

The common people not the power hungry elite

From the beginning of human history, our Creator gave "man" (humanity), which was created in His own image and likeness, "dominion" over the earth, in tiny likeness of His own "dominion" over the universe, including humanity.            "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over ....the earth." Gen. 1:26.          Likeness to God includes His Omni attributes of power, knowledge, presence, volition and dominion (sovereignty), but in tiny bits, as a baby to its father. We are responsible for our selves, families, and the civil authorities we allow to protect us (Gen.9:5-6). Government's  singular, Biblical, purpose.  God did not intend for those who govern to be self appointed, greedy, lying deceivers.  But if we tolerate dictators who abuse us, it is our own failure, as a civilized society, to replace them.  If the majority voters are decent citizens, we will have decent leaders. If not, we have yielded our God given dominance to the devil and his like minded tyrants.   That neglect is what has brought us to the sad state of affairs we are now living in. 

Here is a secular summation of the results, by Simon Black

By the 1960s, it was pretty obvious that 

 sugar  contributed to health problems.

Several studies had already been published 

suggesting that excess sugar consumption was 

major cause of coronary heart disease.

This was a problem for the Sugar Research 

Foundation— an industry group dedicated to 

promoting the consumption of sugar.

The organization decided to fund its own 

‘studies’ meant to discredit all the other 

research saying that sugar was bad.

In fact, the Sugar Research Foundation 

directed its funding on studies which 

exonerated sugar and instead blamed fat 

for people’s poor health.

For one study that was conducted in 1967, 

for example, the Sugar Research Foundation 

paid what would be about $50,000 in today’s 

money to a Harvard scientist to fund the 


The study was published in the New England 

Journal of Medicine, and it claimed that all 

the previous research blaming sugar for 

America’s health problems was totally 

incorrect because the research method-

ologies were wrong.

But they then used the exact same 

methodology to conclude that fat was the 

actual culprit to America’s health crisis.

Naturally, it was never disclosed that the 

Sugar Research Foundation funded the 


Yet this study went on to influence how 

doctors, dieticians, and the American public 

would view the relative risks of sugar versus 

fat, for decades.

Anyone who had claimed back in the late 

1960s that the study was fake news from 

the sugar industry would have been called 

a conspiracy theorist and a science denier.

But decades later we know the truth.

This isn’t so different from today.

For example, the ruling ‘science’ overlords 

decided early in the pandemic last year 

that Covid was not leaked from the Wuhan 

Institute of Virology.

And anyone who said otherwise was 

labeled a conspiracy theorist.

It seemed like an obvious idea to at least 

investigate; with a worldwide outbreak 

that shut down the entire global economy, 

you’d think people would at least be allowed 

to ask some basic questions.

But Facebook censored articles which 

mentioned the idea, labeling it dangerous     


Facebook based the ban on a letter signed 

by 27 scientists which claimed it was 

xenophobic anti-Asian hate speech to 

express (or even investigate) the lab leak 

theory. The letter claimed there was no 

conflict of interest among the signers.

In reality, however, the letter was 

orchestrated and signed by a zoologist 

named Peter Daszak, whose day job is 

repackaging U.S. government science 

grants, and sending the funds to research 


Among the recipients was the Wuhan 

Institute of Virology.

Peter Daszak would later travel to Wuhan 

as a US representative among the World 

Health Organization team dedicated to 

finding the origins of Covid-19.

Shockingly, he concluded that the lab he 

funded was squeaky clean... even though 

he didn’t bother to look at the viruses 

which had been sequenced by the lab to 

see if any matched Covid-19.

And he didn’t manage to uncover the fact 

that in November of 2019, three gain of 

function researchers at the Wuhan lab 

went to the hospital with symptoms similar 

to Covid-19.

This is especially ridiculous given how many 

times over the past 15 months we’ve heard 

everyone say “trust the science.”

Trust the scientific process that we don’t 

allow to occur.

Trust the experts who have massive conflicts 

of interest.

Trust the fact-checkers whose primary 

motivation is to censor whatever Orange 

Man is saying, even when it’s true.

The reality is that scientists and researchers 

are just like anyone else. They have emotions 

and biases. They’re interested in getting 

ahead in their careers. And sometimes, some 

of them are willing to do and say things that 

are morally wrong because they believe in 

their own agenda.

This is nothing new.

Galileo was put on trial by the Inquisition 

in 1633 and found “vehemently suspect of 

heresy”. His books and works were all 

banned because his research showed that 

the Earth was not the center of the universe.

Today Galileo would meet a similar fate if 

he challenged the official narrative; Pope 

Fauci, Cardinal Zuckerberg, the Twitter 

Inqusition would censor Galileo’s material 

and cancel him from the Internet.

Countless, similar stories across thousands 

of years of human history point to this 

simple conclusion: the people in charge 

don’t always tell the truth.

Duh. Is that really a controversial statement?

I’m not just talking about COVID and public 

health either.

For example, are we really supposed to place 

blind trust in the “experts” at the Federal 

Reserve and Treasury Department who 

claim that inflation is transitory, or that 

America’s nearly $30 trillion national 

debt is no big deal, or that there will 

never be any consequences from conjuring 

trillions of dollars out of thin air?

Are we supposed to put all of our faith in 

the politicians who tell us not to worry 

about Social Security’s future?

Intellectual dissent and skepticism are 

healthy. So are asking questions and 

conducting independent research.

Frankly it’s a little bit silly to continue 

banking 100% on institutions that have 

a track record of deceiving the public... 

and plenty of motivation to continue 

doing so.

So if you’re counting on these people to 

protect your savings, provide for your 

retirement, or ensure your basic human 

rights, it’s time to work on your Plan B.

To your freedom,


Simon Black,
Founder, SovereignMan.com

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