Apr 18, 2013

All Power, Presence, Knowledge, Holiness And Truth Are God's

Common Sense Commentary: God's Glory cannot be overstated.

God always knows the whole truth. He not only knows all truth, all truth is His truth. Truth is the avenue of God, His work place, his law, His domain. More than that, God IS truth. "I am the ... truth...." Jn.14:6.  Every good thing is His without the slightest negative or shadow of turning.  "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." James 1:17.  It is an understatement to say that, "God does not lie." ...... "God ... cannot lie...." Titus 1:2. There is no speck of falsehood, deception, error or exaggeration in Him. Satan is not the opposite of God, he is the absence of God. Satan is ..."a liar and the father of it", Jn.8:44, but he is less than the opposite of God. His evil is not as wicked as God's goodness is holy. He is not the opposite of God, for that would make him equally as bad as God is good..... balanced at opposite extremes. Satan's extreme is limited .... God's is not. Satan is as bad as it is possible to be. God is holier than it is possible to be, for His holiness is infinite, immeasurable and eternal... even as His power, presence a knowledge are infinite and immeasurable.  Do not compare Satan's negatives to God's positives. Satan's negativity is nothing, minus zero, emptiness, absence, whereas, God's holiness and glory are everything, plus infinity, plus eternity, plus power, presence and knowledge "... all in all." 1 Cor.15:28.  It is impossible to over estimate God, His power, His presence, His knowledge, His holiness or His truth.... but keep trying ... keep trying. RB

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