Apr 2, 2013

Amazing Advancement In Medical Science In Israel...Video

Common Sense Commentary: Israel is the single most amazing country in the world. On a geographical scale, it is one of the world's smallest nations. Compared with just the Muslim countries surrounding it, Israel is the size of a bear's small eye. The Muslim countries being the size of the huge bear in comparison.

I have toured Israel seven times from end to end. It is like a marvelous, natural stage set by God.  While there, I always feel as if I am sitting in an audience of a theatre designed and created by God ... to reveal Himself, Jesus and the Jewish people to the world.  I never tired of returning there to show my friends and to see again for myself what God was doing there at the focal point of the earth. 

Israel is also one of the most technologically advanced nations ... in every field.  Here is an example, sent to me by Bob Storey, Jim's brother, of Israel's amazing accomplishments in medicine by uniquely facilitating the symbiotic harmony of all areas of true science.  Here is the God given results:

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