Apr 9, 2013

Is Irrationality Insanity ?

Common Sense Commentary: Everybody on earth is a little bit crazy.

I often read articles that prove the exact opposite of the author's own point or position.
Also, many printed and embedded instructions on a new purchase ... increase my confusion. Words sometimes seem to flow from the writer's brain, filtered through a badly used dish-rag or a clogged up nervous system between his thoughts and his fingers. I recently read a long list of instructions which left my understanding short circuited, hair sparking, wide eyed and paralyzed like the computer I was trying to fix. The next day, I talked to an expert technician, geek, who knew exactly how to fix it, I am sure, but knew zero about communicating it to me ... or to Bill Gates or Steve Jobs either.  When I got off the phone, I had mixed motions with my emotions about schizophrenia. I don't know if I was "in it", but I was definitely "out of it". I think I recognize schitzo when I see it but I can't spell it without the couch and consultation of Dr. Noah Webster.  Anybody who can spell it without consulting a dictionary is getting billed for it every month by their shrink. All crazy people deny they are insane while sane people wonder if they are.   I therefore dare not deny insanity, so I'll just confess senility.  But, remember  John 7:20, when demon possessed people accused Jesus of being demon possessed.  If you are now wondering if I am off my medication  .... remember those who accused Jesus.

Just a wild tangent of hot steam escaping the pressure valve. RB

1 comment:

Ron said...

felt good didn't it?